Configurable Connected Workcells – up to 3 DxH 900 & Slidemaker Stainer II
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Advanced Hematology Parameters

Correct, reliable characterization and quantification of cell populations form the foundation of clinical hematology. Clinicians rely on advanced hematology parameters to provide the best possible treatment to their patients. Our hematology platforms quickly deliver precise and accurate results to enhance and improve patient care.

Clinical Hematology Parameters

Our hematology analyzers quickly deliver precise, accurate results to help improve patient care. The Complete Blood Count with Differential (CBC-Diff) is one of the most ordered tests in health care. Our advanced hematology parameters provide clinical insights into red and white blood cell physiology to give health care providers information on blood components and blood disorders.

Monocyte Distribution Width

Monocyte Distribution Width (MDW) is the only regulatory-cleared hematological biomarker that helps to establish severity of infection and risk of sepsis in adult patients in the emergency department. MDW is reported automatically as part of a routine CBC with Differential test on the DxH 900 hematology analyzers.

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